Breaking The Barriers

So very often in life we end up doing the same things, the same way over and over again and feel safe. Testing the waters and taking a plunge into the unknown is the choice of a rebellious few, for that’s the way we have been raised. Desires take up their space and dreams are ever haunting, but the craziness to pursue them with a free and confident will and mind is a tough call for most of us to make.

Have you ever thought what stops you and what can be done to overcome it?

Well there will always be circumstances and situations which will keep you occupied and also keep the fear of trying, alive, but what I am going to share with you is not a short cut but a tried, tested and quite simple remedy to make yourself feel happier and content every single day of your life.

15 Day Rule

It’s not documented anywhere in sweat and blood but that’s what I believe in. Follow a routine for 15 days continuously for it to become a habit. Take it as a rule or a ritual but it surely will help you to get back on the mill every day and once you have touched the barrier, it will no longer be a grind.

The Days of Zero Progress

This is the most important and decisive phase for you have trained your mind and body for certain results and they demand instant progress. It can be attributed to the struggle of pulling yourself out of the slumber and putting in those hours every day. The body is just a machine which is operated by the brain. You satiate the brain, body will always fall in line.

The days of zero progress are the actual building blocks for the towers of success to lean on. Follow the below mentioned whenever in doubt or feel like stepping back.

  • Everything worth appreciation takes time to build.
  • You are far from where you started, that’s progress too.
  • Focus on this moment, that’s all that matters.

To sum it up, Appreciate, Look straight ahead and Live for the moment.


Worst enemy that one can ever encounter. Every individual is different and unique and so is their journey. Count your steps and be your own competition. Compare your efforts of the past with the present.

Comparison can be a positive influence too if you keep it healthy and motivational, but only if you are exceptionally willed to repel the basic human nature.

Ignite Your Passion

You chose to be a rebel for you believed in something. Going through the grind and sacrificing the luxuries life had to offer was your decision. Flare up that fire and burn to shine. There are only two ways to stay focused

  1. Isolate
  2. Surround yourself with like-minded souls.

One life to just live or one life to explore, the choice is yours.

Attaining The Sainthood

Not in the literal sense 😛 , but yes once your habit has been transformed into your second nature you can actually feel proud of yet another achievement in life. Every day and every effort invested will be ready to be reaped and the smile and glow will cease to leave that beautiful face full of content and soul full of happiness.

Being The Change

Remember, retaining is always much more difficult than achieving. Being consistent and being the change for others is what will help you overcome the last and final stage.

Hold a hand, show someone the way. Empower your surroundings and be the change (you seek).


Rome was not built-in a day nor U and I will be successful overnight. But brick by brick, wall by wall, we can lay a strong foundation for someone else to work upon.

P.S. : It’s a grind I am going through each day and falling and getting up again which prompted me to share my thoughts. Intention is not to preach but to create a positive vibe and surrounding for people who are trying to grip on their ropes.

Feel free to share your experiences and achievements for someone might take the plunge getting inspired by them 😀 .





7 thoughts on “Breaking The Barriers

  1. This is exactly how I got myself and my son flossing regularly. I always thought it was gross and put off making it into a habit for 30 years, but, when his dentist said he needed to floss, something had to change. So we did it together. I spent weeks fighting with him and chasing him and having him watch me, but it paid off because a few weeks after starting he said he was ready and opened his mouth. Now we only fight because he doesn’t want to go to bed. It really does take time to form habits, but those early struggles and sheer will to get something done make everything that follows a breeze and, if it’s healthy, it makes you feel good, too. Always a plus.

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